Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited adalah salah satu Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) dariSKK Migas sebagai wakil dari Pemerintah Republik Indonesia untuk menjalankan kegiatan Explorasi dan Exploitasi Minyak dan Gas Bumi di Blok Madura Strait.
Profil Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited
Nama HCML sendiri adalah merupakan nama baru, sebelumnya adalah Husky Oil (Madura) Limited. Sebagai operator dari Blok Madura Strait, saat ini HCML dimiliki oleh Husky, CNOOC dan Samudera Energy. Product & Services Di Indonesia, Blok Madura Strait mulai beroperasi sejak tahun 1982.
Saat ini upaya pengembangan terus dilakukan dimana salah satu lapangan yang akan diutamakan untuk diproduksi adalah BD field yang berada di Kabupaten Sampang, Madura. Lapangan BD adalah lapangan dengan mayoritas produksi berupa gas alam yang direncanakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kelistrikan dan industri dalam negeri. Selain daripada itu, lapangan MDA dan MBH di lepas pantai Kabupaten Sumenep juga direncanakan untuk memproduksi gas alam pada tahun 2014/2015.Kontribusi lapangan BD, MDA dan MBH diharapkan dapat membantu Pemerintah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan energi di masa datang
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Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited saat ini kembali membuka:
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited
untuk beberapa posisi dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
QA/QC ENGINEER - Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited
- Ensure that QA/QC contractual requirements are fulfilled by all Contractors/Suppliers.
- Ensure that all the services offered by all Drilling and completion Contractors/Suppliers are adequate to Oil & Gas Industry and international QA/QC standards.
- Coordinate HCML and third party inspection activities in equipment manufacturing facilities and in Contractors/Suppliers operational bases/workshop.
- Ensure adequate QA/QC support to drilling and completion equipment preparation to minimize NPT during offshore rig operation.
- Define QA/QC requirements to be included in tender for materials and equipment procurement contracts and service contracts.
- Discuss all technical and QA/QC matters with HCML drilling and completion Contractors/Suppliers and prepare a final report with conclusions, recommendations, which shall be presented to the Drilling Manager.
- Supervise equipment qualifications in contractors’ facilities. Discuss all procedural documents with Contractors/Suppliers and follow in detail all relevant processes.
- Conduct QA/QC technical assessment inspections, when required and conduct routine QA/QC audits in Contractors/Suppliers operational bases / workshop.
- Follow up daily drilling & completion operations, and follow all Contractors/Suppliers equipment failure to understand the root cause, capture QA/QC lessons learnt and prepare recommendation to avoid the repetition of such failure.
- Liaise with Contractors/Suppliers QA/QC representatives or departments.
- Participate in technical and QA/QC meetings with Contractors/Suppliers.
- Participate at kick off meetings.
- Review technical and quality documents from contractors when requested and issue relevant comments with the view of discussing the comments with the contractor’s interface when requested. Example of standard documents are Quality Control Plans, Quality assurance Plans, Mill Test Certificates and contractor’s manufacturing procedures.
- Deal with International Standards, such as ISO 9000 series, 10423, 11960, 13680, 3183, 14310, 16070 and 10432 and other standards, procedures or recommended practices applicable or specified within the contract signed with the contractors/suppliers.
- Render technical support in preparing company technical specifications for downhole equipment, wellheads and Xmas trees, casing, tubing in both low carbon and CRA materials.
- Promote introduction of state-of-the art techniques and technologies to enhance HCML drilling and completion operations.
- Follow up the compliance with the statutory requirements, regulations, current norms, standard and rules.
- Liaise with both internal and external stakeholders, when required.
- Bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or other engineering background.
- Having minimum 5 years experience in similar position with minimum 7 years experience in Oil & Gas Industry.
- Good knowledge of QA/QC requirements and procedures for inspections and auditing adopted by Oil & Gas Companies.
- Familiar with the management of QA/QC issues on completion and drilling equipment.
- Having knowledge of drilling & completion operation, familiar with Daily Drilling Report and Equipment Failure Report.
- Having knowledge of tool and equipment used for drilling operations and their working principles.
- Having knowledge of equipment failure investigation and preparation of failure investigation reports.
- Good communication and interpersonal skills.
- Good verbal and written English communication.
- Point of hire: Jakarta
Cara Melamar Pekerjaan Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited
Apabila anda memenuhi kualifikasi pada
Karir Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, segera kirim berkas lamaran anda (application and updated CV with subject Position Title) pada email berikut:
Email : recruitment@hcml.co.id
Batas Lamaran : 28 November 2016
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