- PT Wavin Duta Jaya adalah salah satu Perusahaan produsen sistem perpipaaan plastik terlengkap dan terbesar di Eropa.
Profile PT Wavin Duta Jaya merupakan perusahaan pemegang lisensi Wavin BV, Holland. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun dalam memproduksi dan memasarakan pipa plastik seperti Wavin Standard, Wavin Lite, Wavin Black, WavinSafe & WavinLok, Wavin Tigris Green dan Wavin AS serta pipa dan fitting merek Rucika membuat PT.Wavin Duta Jaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan pipa plastik yang terlengkap dan terinovatif di Indonesia.
Profile PT Wavin Duta Jaya merupakan perusahaan pemegang lisensi Wavin BV, Holland. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun dalam memproduksi dan memasarakan pipa plastik seperti Wavin Standard, Wavin Lite, Wavin Black, WavinSafe & WavinLok, Wavin Tigris Green dan Wavin AS serta pipa dan fitting merek Rucika membuat PT.Wavin Duta Jaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan pipa plastik yang terlengkap dan terinovatif di Indonesia.
Sejarah berdiri PT Wavin Duta Jaya didirikan pada tahun 1973.

Credit: PT Wavin Duta Jaya
Profile PT Wavin Duta Jaya saat ini telah memiliki 3 fasilitas produksi yang tersebar di 3 lokasi, yakni: Bekasi dan Karawang (Jawa Barat) serta di Ngoro (Jawa Timur). Pabrik-pabrik Wavin dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas pendukung seperti: Areal Produksi, Gudang, Laboratorium dan Mesin-mesin Ekstrusi maupun Injeksi dengan teknologi paling mutakhir. Kapasitas produksi Wavin merupakan yang terbesar di Indonesia dan terus berkembang seiring pertumbuhan permintaan akan produk-produk Wavin.
Batas Lamaran : 18 September 2015
PT Wavin Duta Jaya, saat ini kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru pada bulan Agustus 2015. Pada info loker terbaru hari ini Wavin Duta Jaya mengundang anda untuk dapat berkarir bersama perusahaan ini dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Purchasing Staff
• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Industrial), Engineering (Mechanical), or equivalent.
• At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
• Applicants must be willing to work in Jalan raya Imam Bonjol Km 26,2,Cibitung,Bekasi.
• Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Purchasing/Inventory/Material & Warehouse Management or equivalent.
• Full-Time position(s) available.
• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Engineering (Mechanical) or equivalent.
• Applicants must be willing to work in Jalan raya Imam Bonjol Km 26,2,Cibitung,Bekasi.
• Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Manufacturing/Production Operations or equivalent.
• Full-Time position(s) available.
• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, any field.
• At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
• Applicants must be willing to work in Jalan raya Imam Bonjol Km 26,2,Cibitung,Bekasi.
• Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Human Resources or equivalent.
• Full-Time position(s) available.
• Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering with 10 years experience in engineering, utility, and machinery maintenance.
• You should be technically inclined and are required to have a solid know-how and deployment experience in preventive and productive maintenance.
• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Industrial), Engineering (Mechanical), or equivalent.
• At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
• Applicants must be willing to work in Jalan raya Imam Bonjol Km 26,2,Cibitung,Bekasi.
• Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Purchasing/Inventory/Material & Warehouse Management or equivalent.
• Full-Time position(s) available.
JOB DESCRIPTION:• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Engineering (Mechanical) or equivalent.
• At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
• Applicants must be willing to work in Jalan raya Imam Bonjol Km 26,2,Cibitung,Bekasi.
• Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Manufacturing/Production Operations or equivalent.
• Full-Time position(s) available.
GA Foreman
JOB DESCRIPTION:• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, any field.
• At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
• Applicants must be willing to work in Jalan raya Imam Bonjol Km 26,2,Cibitung,Bekasi.
• Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Human Resources or equivalent.
• Full-Time position(s) available.
Maintenance Head
JOB DESCRIPTION:• Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering with 10 years experience in engineering, utility, and machinery maintenance.
• You should be technically inclined and are required to have a solid know-how and deployment experience in preventive and productive maintenance.
Cara Melamar:
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PT. Wavin Duta Jaya
Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja PT Wavin Duta Jaya Terbaru Agustus 2015 yang dapat kami sampaikan kepada Anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Harapan kami anda diterima dan lulus seleksi sehingga menjadi bagian dari perusahaan tersebut. Amin