Lowongan Kerja Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero) atau PT BGR merupakan perusahaan milik pemerintah ( BUMN ) yang memiliki fokus usaha dalam bidang perusahaan pergudangan. Sebagai sebuah BUMN, PT. Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero) mengemban misi turut menunjang kebijaksanaan pemerintah dan membantu pelaku bisnis dan industri, khususnya dibidang penyelenggaraan Jasa Penyewaan dan Pengelolaan Ruangan serta proses pengiriman barang dengan tetap memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan usaha yang sehat dan undang-undang Perseroan Terbatas.
didirikan tanggal 11 April 1977 berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 26 Tahun 1976. Pada masa awal berdirinya, PT. Bhanda Ghara Reksa mengawali kegiatan sebagai salah satu gudang penyangga (Stockholder) pupuk produksi PT. Pusri. Pada saat itu BGR hanya memiliki gudang-gudang penyangga di wilayah kota-kota besar pelabuhan dan beberapa gudang di wilayah kabupaten.
Sampai saat ini, 100% sahamnya masih dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia melalui Kementerian Negara BUMN selaku pemegang saham. Gagasan didirikannya BGR berdasarkan adanya kebutuhan badan usaha yang dapat mengelola fasilitas pendukung sarana distribusi pupuk yang memadai berupa fasilitas gudang yang lokasinya menjangkau ke sentra-sentra pertanian.
PT BGR menyediakan, menyewakan dan mengelola ruangan gudang, baik tertutup maupun terbuka (open storage) dan menyelenggarakan jasa pergudangan lainnya. Dalam perkembangannya, BGR menambah jasa-jasa trasportasi baik darat maupun udara dan pengurusan eskpor-impor serta mengkombinasikannya dengan jasa pergudangan yang telah ada menjadi paket-paket jasa logistik. Sejalan dengan itu, guna mengambil dalam jabatan di dalam persaingan usahanya, BGR melengkapi kegiatannya dengan jasa-jasa penunjang yang relevan yaitu jasa-jasa pest control dan fumigasi. Pada tahun 2004, BGR mengembangkan Collateral Management Service (CMS) yang memberikan laba operasi cukup berarti.
Kemudian PT BGR melakukan perubahan menjadi perusahaan yang menyediakan jasa logistik, dengan visi menjadi perusahaan jasa logistik yang memberikan solusi, handal dan terkemuka dengan moto “Total Logistics Solution”, perusahaan siap menjadi mitra terpercaya dalam menangani berbagai kegiatan logistik. Hingga saat ini, BGR berperan sebagai penyedia jasa pergudangan dan logistik yang memiliki jaringan infrastruktur hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Tercatat Kantor Cabang yang dikelola BGR adalah 9 cabang dan 16 sub cabang. Pangkal pinang adalah sub cabang termuda yang baru dibuka pada 3 September 2014.
PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero) saat ini kembali membuka beberapa posisi dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Lowongan Kerja di PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero) SMK, S1
Staf HSE (Code: HSE)
- Male with the maximum age of 27 years old (preferably single/not married).
- Bachelor Degree (S1) with major study in HSE Engineering with the minimum accredited B and minimum GPA of 3.00 within 4.00 scales.
- Strong knowledge and good understanding about ISO.
- Mastering HSE procedures, both theory and practice.
- Good team work and able to work underpressure.
- Willing to be relocated in all working area of BGR Indonesia.
- Does not have a nuclear family (father, mother, sister, in-law, uncle, aunt) who are still actively working at BGR Indonesia.
- 3 full-time positions available.
Programmer (Code : Programmer)
- Male/Female with the maximum age of 27 years old (preferably single/not married).
- Bachelor Degree (S1) with major study in Information System or other relevant field with the minimum accredited B and minimum GPA of 3.00 within 4.00 scales.
- Minimum 1 year of experience in web/application development or as a Programmer.
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
- Operating knowledge of Visio application.
- Technical skill in programming language; PHP, HTML, Java Script and CSS.
- Technical skill in using database My SQL and Microsoft SQL Server.
- Technical skill in using web server, based Apache and xampp.
- Strong data analytical skill and able to translate business processes into a script programming.Able to create a method of knowledge transfer (training) to the user.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Result-oriented and able to work underpressure.
- Does not have a nuclear family (father, mother, sister, in-law, uncle, aunt) who are still actively working at BGR Indonesia.
- 2 full-time positions available.
IT Operasional (Code: IT-O)
- Female with the maximum age of 27 years old (preferably single/not married).
- Bachelor Degree (S1) with major study in Information System or other relevant field with the minimum accredited B and minimum GPA of 3.00 within 4.00 scales.
- Minimum 1 year of experience in web/application development or as a Programmer.
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
- Operating knowledge of Visio application.
- Technical skill in programming language; PHP, HTML, Java Script and CSS.
- Technical skill in using database My SQL and Microsoft SQL Server.
- Technical skill in using web server, based Apache and xampp.
- Strong data analytical skill and able to translate business processes into a script programming.Able to create a method of knowledge transfer (training) to the user.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Result-oriented and able to work underpressure.
- Does not have a nuclear family (father, mother, sister, in-law, uncle, aunt) who are still actively working at BGR Indonesia.
- 1 full-time position available.
Staf Audit Internal (Code : Auditor)
- Male with the maximum age of 30 years old.
- Bachelor Degree (S1) with major study in Accounting from a reputable university with the minimum accredited B and minimum GPA of 3.00 within 4.00 scales.
- Minimum 2 years of experience in Public Accounting Firm (KAP).
- Mastering basic and audit techniques.
- Possess excellent communication skill.
- Operating knowledge of Office applications.
- High integrity.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Result-oriented and able to work underpressure.
- Does not have a nuclear family (father, mother, sister, in-law, uncle, aunt) who are still actively working at BGR Indonesia.
- 2 full-time positions available.
Resepsionis (Code : Resepsionis)
- Female with the maximum age of 25 years old.
- Vocational High School (SMK) with major study in Office Administration/Secretary with the minimum average UN score of 7.5.
- Good looking with the minimum height of 150 cm.
- Possess excellent communication skill.
- Operating knowledge of Office applications.
- Able to speak English at least passive.
- Sociable and friendly.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Does not have a nuclear family (father, mother, sister, in-law, uncle, aunt) who are still actively working at BGR Indonesia.
- 1 full-time position available.
Cara Melamar:
Segera kirimkan berkas lamaran anda pada email berikut:
Email : recruitment@bgrindonesia.com
with subject Name_Position Code (the application form file name must be renamed with the same format)
Selection process will held at Jakarta at own expense
Batas Lamaran : 17 Desember 2015